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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On the Cusp of Sailing South

It seems preparations for this years trip south has been harried compared to 2008. Perhaps it is because we have a better understanding of what works and what we needed to change. For me, it's also been a case of not having a regular paycheck coming in since Kathie retired in '08. As a result, we've becoming more attuned to cash flow and the negative influence preparing a boat for a cruise impacts that aspect of living in retirement. So much to do and time is fading! Thankfully, even though Kathie will be foregoing the 800nm trip down the outside of Baja (Pacific coast) this year, she has been as enthusiastic and helpful as ever in getting the boat prepared for the trip. Perhaps she's just anxious to get rid of me for a couple of weeks while I'm sailing!

Travel plans have been set for my nephew, Peter (aka, P2) and we visited with our friends, Ted and Alicia (from S/V Tumbleweed; '82 Cal39 MRK III), in Madera when we traveled up to Santa Rosa last week. It seems all is a go for the first of November. Now, if only the boat were ready.

Again, thanks almost exclusively to my wonderful wife, the provisioning and meal planning has been mostly completed. All that remains is the last minute purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables and then to pack it all away on the boat. We're planning on a 7-10 day trip from San Diego to La Paz, so provisioning for a crew of four does take some planing.

The next step is to move everything from the garage onto the boat and stow it all away so we're ready to sail. With my nephew having to take time off for work and Ted and Alicia depending on the kindness of friends to take care of their two cats, Elvis and Flea Bag, along with their dear old dog, Hina, during their absence, everyone is in agreement on making it a non-stop (the Gods and weather willing) sail all the way from San Diego to La Paz. Getting to La Paz without stop overs would allow for more time to be spent in La Paz, itself. Ted and Alicia want to check on their boat and P2 would like to revisit some of his old haunts from his previous time with us during the summer of 2009.

Ready or not, we'll be leaving in five days! In this photo is only a partial load that has to be stowed.

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