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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Having delivered the boat back to Mexico and, now, spending the holidays at home in San Diego has given me time to follow-up on other cruisers, via their blogs. Revisiting the latest adventures of friends we've met while cruising, as well as others we haven't met but have shared a kinship through cruising, gives me pause to consider how fortunate we all have been.

One common thread we all share is the support of our mates and families. I know that I am guilty of not telling my wife how much she has given to make my cruising dreams a reality and how much that means to me. I could never have done it without her support and encouragement. From cajoling me to buy our boat, to tending to the often tedious task of provisioning for our journeys, to putting up with my own foibles and insecurities when undertaking new challenges, her love, support and, most of all, patience have always embraced me. I can't imagine a better partner to share life's journey. Forgive me for not expressing my love and appreciation to you as selflessly as you have to me.

I'm envious of all those of you who have had the wisdom and courage to share your cruising dream with your children. I marvel at those who have. Contemporary families on s/v Just A Minute, s/v Don Quixote (Toast Floats), s/v Third Day, s/v Whatcha Gonna Do and s/v Endurance (to name a few) by allowing their children the freedom of a family adventure, have imbued in them a sense of wonder, responsibility and respect for the world around them that they otherwise may not have had. It's a wonderful gift to be able to share with your children.

The cruisers with families also comprise a subset of the larger group of people who recognized the advantage of undertaking a sailing adventure when they are still young, fit and capable of surviving by their wits. Windtraveler (s/v Rasmus), s/v Ocean Girl, s/v Sea Biscuit, and S/V Rebel Heart represent a few of these people who have chosen to live life rather than be paralyzed by the future.

I can barely wait until we return to our boat and continue our adventure. Meeting other cruisers and people in the communities we visit is a large part of the joy for me. I am very fortunate for this opportunity in life!


  1. Awww! What a great post - and you are very lucky to have such a wonderfully supportive wife! Congrats on getting your boat to Mexico and thanks for the shout-out! Fair winds Neophyte - hopefully our paths will cross one day - you never know!!

  2. It has been a wonderful experience for the kids, but it has been a dream come true for us! I feel so empowered for being able to pursue those dreams and for enduring the difficult moments..hehe. Thank you for being with us in our journey. We are going to live the land life, but will extend our adventure in the ocean through yours.

  3. Hey Amigo: Great blog. Loved your sincere recognition of "The Admiral" who is admirable in her support of your adventures.

    Dennis (The Neophyte of Neophytes in terms of sailing. If a 1 week cruise on Citla even qualifies me for that!!)
